We work with many mums during pregnancy and after birth. Physiotherapy, Acupuncture and Cranial work all offer different solutions for pregnancy pains, unsettled babies and mums seeking health.
Pregnancy is a unique challenge to the musculo-skeletal system. The body goes through rapid changes in weight and shape in only a few short months. This strain can lead to a variety of aches and pains, ranging from mild discomfort, to the severity of SPD (Symphysis Pubis Dysfunction). Much relief can be provided by manual treatment, helping you to enjoy your pregnancy. It can also help you to enter labour and motherhood physically ready and energised.
The postnatal body also needs care. The rapid changes your body underwent during pregnancy are in large part reversed over the first six weeks after birth. The musculo-skeletal system, however takes much longer to recover, and long-term problems sometimes occur. Discomfort in the lower back, pelvis, pelvic floor and abdominal muscles are the last thing you need to deal with when also getting to know your new baby. The good news is that this postnatal discomfort can be treated. With the right care and your aches relieved, you will be better able to enjoy yourself and your baby.